Garden Management

Green Leaf offer Weekly and Fortnightly services to maintain your gardens so they look their best all year round, whether you are looking at having a great team to look after your own garden, Rental, Body corporate, Commercial or Resort. We have the service to meet your needs. We also offer zero turn mowing for larger lawns and vacant blocks.

We offer one off clean ups, as you may have just invested in a property that needs some attention or it has just gotten a little out of hand, we have got it covered. If it’s time to give your garden a quick refresh, nothing looks better than a garden freshly mulched.


We offer a fully qualified design and installation service, with an understanding that your garden should look great whilst using minimal water. We can install systems to keep the garden and lawn green all year round so that you don’t have to remember that you have the sprinkler going. With your irrigation taken care of you won’t even need to think about it.
We specialize in maintaining and repairing existing systems that may be root bound, broken, water leaks or have crushed pipes whether the job is big or small we will take care of it.


Green Leaf Garden Management is always looking for a new project, whether you are looking to replant an existing garden bed or whether you feel that your garden needs a complete make-over. We have the experience and advice to make it happen and have you enjoying your new garden before you know it.

Pressure Cleaning

We offer pressure cleaning to freshen up your outdoor space without doing a complete make-over. Green Leaf can do your pathways, driveways and even your fence and have them all looking like new.

Port Douglas Tree Services
23 Pecten Avenue, Port Douglas, Qld, 4877
Ph: (07) 4098 5225
Mobile: 0419 309 493

Ash Meager Carpentry & Maintenance
0408 143 760

Paul Voerman Plumbing

Logo attached
5 Owen Street, Craiglie, QLD, 4877
PH: (07) 4099 1001

Sy Dolphin Electrical

logo attached
7 Sunbird Close
Port Douglas QLD 4877